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Interstate Life offers independent agents a full portfolio of products, personalized service and training, and competitive commissions. We have been protecting individuals and families, generation after generation, since 1899. You and your clients can rely on our longstanding tradition of strength and stability. 

Interstate Life sells a full range of insurance products:

Term Level Term Series
Whole Life  Current Interest Tradition (CIT)
Single Premium Life The Estate Builder 
Final Expense  The Express Plan 
Graded Benefit Whole Life 
Universal Life  Ultra Flex-Life
Fixed Annuities   Maxi/Saver Guarantee Series Deferred Annuities 
Flexi/Saver Flexible Premium Deferred Annuity
Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA)
Indexed Annuity Market Shield Plus
Agents receive the complete support of our Underwriting, New Business, Premium Accounting, and Customer Service Departments. Comprehensive and on-going agent training is available from our Marketing Department.
All our agents are independently contracted. Our competitive first year commissions are combined with an attractive renewal commission program. We pay commissions weekly through Electronic Funds Transfer.

If you are interested in contracting
with Interstate Life, please:

Call us at (800) 233-3750, ext. 511
email us at

We look forward to hearing from you! 

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